Dreaming Peace
books , products and workshops
to create a more peaceful world

Anael, I'd like to thank you for your inspiring workshop. Thank you for making it a safe space, which enabled me to bring my vulnerability. I truly enjoyed it and am looking forward to another. Aidi - Harish
I warmly recommend Anael Harpaz to support your liberation from emotional and abundance blockages especially caused by intergenerational and childhood trauma. She possesses a true gift in tuning in to your system and support the healing and release of the emotional luggage you have been carrying around, without even knowing in what ways it prevents you from happiness and abundance. If you have a nagging feeling of that something is wrong, but you can't put your finger on it, contact Anael. Her precise information helps you see the bigger picture you are part of and you can make choices to forgive and be free.
Harriet Fagerholm. Co-creative guide and healer
I do not have words to express my gratitude. Something really beautiful has happened to me. Since Sunday all I can think about is how lucky I am. I do not stop looking around ... Thinking... "I am so loved"
Thank you for giving me hope when I most needed it. I repeat everyday my card messages as a mantra and I know everything will fall into place.”
Cristina. Graham, NC. USA
“Anael's workshop helped to open unconscious places within myself that were ready to be shared.
She beautifully facilitated space for us as we shared our stories: laughing, crying and releasing.
I would recommend her workshop to others who are healing and want to explore writing as a helpful tool in their process.”
Judith. Graham, NC. USA
“I wanted to share one of my writings with you. The one I chose was one that I felt like described how wonderful it was to do the workshop. It was the third exercise we did.
Starting over this life again, Renewing once again for the first time. I don't think I had it right before, I was going with what I knew, and that is different now, it is changing. Becoming again, one more time, and a time after that and a time after that. That is amazing, and forever changing, the cycle starts again and again. You'd think it would get boring, but it never does. There is always, always, always something new inside...as I write I realize I am starting to overflow, I feel I am bursting - bursting with newness and new life...My heart is beating, no pounding, and a new entry way has begun to unfold. I feel such an excitement I did not know was there, a sun shining brightly in my head, standing atop a beautiful mountain - what a vista. Is it good, is it bad, does it matter? It is new, it is starting over, it is charting a new course - charting? really? Well, it will just become, it will flow, by gum, and all the world will flow in it.
Thank you again for such an enchanted, wonderful experience!” Kathie, Watersong. USA
"Ready to receive with an open heart
An experience to behold that set me apart
From anything familiar or known from within
As the warmth embraced my soul to begin
A journey of unexplained release and free flowing tears
Of hidden emotion guarded for years
Waves and swirls of colour in my mind
Moving slowly and gracefully – each one assigned
To a thought, an emotion, a feeling or pain
Neither understanding, nor able to explain
The depth and the source of this poignant chain
With links that connect to our innermost plane
Of needing to give and improve the wellbeing
Of souls that are crying and those that need freeing
Come to me, allow me and let the priviledge be mine
To give of myself and to help realign
With peace and compassion and trust from above
And draw from the gift of unconditional love"
Jan Silber – Toronto Canada