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Manifesting One of my Dreams

As you know from my previous blogs, I've been wishing, dreaming, imagining, that My Dream Pillow will not only go to children whose parents can afford to purchase it but to children in need.The first twenty five I donated, went to orphaned children in Cape Town and now I'm thrilled that they are reaching refugee children in Wales with the help of a friend of mine who ordered ten sets that were to be used at Refugee Awayday in Brecon and another mutual friend chipped in too!!! Thank you so very much, Sue and Sonja for helping me manifest this dream. There was a postal glitch so these ten sets will be used in April. Sue had ordered some previously that were used in Brecon and she did some improvising using ordinary pillow cases.

Sue wrote: "The organisers love the idea of the Dream Pillow sets and so that will be the first time we will use them with a group. One set had already gone to a little boy and he loves it according to his mother. She has translated the "Think good thoughts that create good things" into Arabic for us and she or another adult will help the children on the day with translation. We have another Refugee Awayday on April 2nd where I live in Llangorse (where the ten sets will be used).

We do not know how many children will come until the last minute so if I don't have enough, with your permission, we may have to improvise a bit but I am hoping the others will come in time."

Unfortunately the parcel got stuck in customs and arrived two days late - now I know what to write on the forms for that not to happen again!

After the gathering , Sue thanked the organisers"... It was lovely working with the children and the venue was perfect for the Awayday.

It was the first time I have brought my Israeli friend Anael's Dream Pillowcase idea to an Awayday and whilst I had to improvise, it actually worked very well for the day.

In future I hope we will be able to send a Dream Pillowcase set home with each child, brand new in it's packaging, which will be quite a treat for them.

It is also a great resource for encouraging these children, who have been through so much, to express themselves through their artwork or words and dream the happy thoughts they draw on their pillows.

I don't know whether you had time to look at one but the pillowcase and accompanying book are very beautifully written and illustrated and come with a set of washout fabric pens...

Thank Pat again from me for his interest in the project.

He has the info and you have my email address if anyone you know is interested in buying a set for a refugee child and/or for a grandchild.

There is a wonderful intention and energy behind this project and Anael is so pleased to have found a way to get these sets to these refugee children.

This was her dream!

Thank you Margaret for organising such a wonderful day and making it happen!"


So if you would like to donate to this project in Wales or have any ideas how to get to other refugee organisations please contact me.

either through this sight or directly to my email -

I would love to connect with others who are interested in supporting and funding this project so it can get to more and more refugee children worldwide. Up until now I've used my own funds to create this whole project and now am putting it out to the Universe that I want it to go to as many children as possible and need funding to do the Arabic translation, print the books, pillowcase, purchase the pens and postage....thanking you in advance for donations, ideas, contacts of how to get it out to the refugee children.

Let's help these children "think good thoughts that create good things" which is not so easy after all they have been through...

"Teaching young people about compassion is one of the most important things we can do for humanity. Our future depends on it". The Dalai Lama

We all want a better future...the children are the future...let's support them by having compassion for them, teaching them compassion through My Dream Pillow and other ways and hopefully our dream for peace will manifest...sooner than later.

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