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Joy is...

Well, it's been a long time since my last blog and the reason being is these bundles of joy that have entered my life over the last few months. All of my three children have gifted me with so much joy that the smile cannot be wiped off my face and I must admit I've kind of let My Dream Pillow simmer on the back burner.

Well, not completely - the book has been translated to Arabic and now is in the process of being edited. This brings me much joy and anticipation of what can be achieved by using these books and pillowcases with Jewish and Arab kids...also hoping to widen the distribution to more refugee children worldwide. Meantime 30 sets have gone to children in Wales, thanks to my friends, Sue and Sonja.

Together with all of this there are learning curves. Making mistakes is great way to learn...trying to get things done cheaper sometimes is much more expensive...ok, so without going into too much detail and pointing fingers at myself and others, I'll just say that I have a bunch of hard cover Hebrew books that I hope to sell at cost, or close to cost and the rest I shall donate because the Note to the Parents is on the wrong side of the least the part for the kids is fine. So if you have any ideas, friends who are kindergarten teachers, or are doing a summer camp or something and would like to gift the books to the kids they should contact me.

Besides being so busy with these sweet ones, I have added another healing tool to my medicine bag over the last few months. EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing is a fairly new, nontraditional type of psychotherapy. It's growing in popularity, particularly for treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD often occurs after experiences such as military combat, physical assault, rape, or car accidents.

A few years ago I fell into deep depression after leaving the organisation I worked with. I knew that psychotherapy would not help even though my kids were begging me to take that route...after quite a few months I came across EMDR. I'd heard of it but not experienced it. Well what can I say...besides a great big thank you. I have now added this tool to the other modalities I work with and am thrilled with the are those I'm working with.

I have things up my sleeve with Dreaming Peace and My Dream Pillow - for now will let my grandkids have their full share of me first and then I'll be back on track. So forgive me if you don't hear from me too often these days...there is lots cooking inside will all happen when the time is right...


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